Suicide Message / Broadcast / Coords Preview
Suicide Firework Preview
You can either enable or disable these features in the config.yml
config.yml Preview
# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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# / Suicide Plugin /
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# Thank you for using Suicide Plugin! If you are experiencing any issues
# or have any suggestions / features you want implemented into the plugin
# feel free to join the support Discord Server!
# Spigot: Prism3
# Discord: Prism3#9371 | ID: 403667971089760257
# Discord Server:
# Should we disable the message sent to the player when executing the command?
Message: false
# Should we disable the Suicide Broadcast message?
Broadcast: false
# Should we disable the Fireworks upon the player's death?
Firework: false
# Should we disable death location Coords?
Coords: false
# Should we disable the sound when executing the command?
# Sound that's played upon player's death.
# List of sounds: Use The Sounds that are 1.9 or higher!
# Volume and Pitch can vary from 0 -> 100.
Disable: false
Volume: 50
Pitch: 50
# Should we disable the suicide cooldown?
# Timer in Second
Disable: false
Timer: 15
# Disable the suicide command in desired worlds
- 'world_name'
No-Permission: "&cYou do not have permission to run this command."
Reload: "&aConfig Reloaded."
Invalid-Syntax: "&cInvalid Syntax!"
Disabled: "&cSuiciding in this world is disabled."
Message-Sent-on-Suicide: "&c&lYou Suicided!"
On-Cooldown: "&6You must wait %time% second(s) to execute this command!"
Random: true
- "&c&l%player% has committed suicide!"
- "&c&l%player% got whacked."
- "&c&l%player% died."
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