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  1. Prism3


    Prism3 submitted a new resource: Suicide - A suicide command with some cool features. Read more about this resource...
  2. Prism3

    Minecraft NameVerif 3.1.2

    Name-Verification Description A simple plugin that checks for player names if they are blacklisted or whitelisted if enabled, and therefore kicks them followed by a message. Mainly meant for Cracked Servers. Kick Screen Preview Plugin's Wiki can be found here! Config.yml Holds some...
  3. Prism3


    Prism3 submitted a new resource: NameVerif - A plugin that checks for player names, and kicks them followed by a message! Read more about this resource...
  4. Prism3

    Minecraft Logger | 1.7 ~ 1.18 - 1.7.2 // MariaDB & LiteBans Integrations + Fixes

    Logger Update 1.7.2 DEV Release In this Build Extra Any Contributions are Welcomed! TO DO Delete both config.yml and discord.yml and messages.yml files for the new additions to take effect Delete Player_Death table from the MySQL Database Delete the SQLite Database File
  5. Prism3

    Logger | 1.7 ~ 1.18

    Prism3 updated Logger | 1.7 ~ 1.18 with a new update entry: 1.7.2 // MariaDB & LiteBans Integrations + Fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. Prism3

    Minecraft Logger | 1.7 ~ 1.18 1.8

    Logger Description An All-in-One plugin that logs all Activities from Commands, Chat, Player Join, Player Leave, Player Death, and even Server's RAM, TPS, and Much More for both Proxy and Bukkit Servers! With more than 20 Features to choose from, nothing is left without monitoring. Bukkit...
  7. Prism3

    Logger | 1.7 ~ 1.18

    Prism3 submitted a new resource: Logger | 1.7 ~ 1.18 - Log all Activities from Players and Server Side on both Bukkit and Proxy instances! Read more about this resource...