- Get money automaticly using a Respawn anchor.
- Can be removed with TNT and keep their characteristics.
- Upgradeable
- Particles
- Permissions
- WorldGuard hook
- Spanish translation
- Anchor Top
- Anchor admin
- Quick support
- Fully configurable
- Hex colors support
- Java 8+ support
- And much more!
If you have any problems you can report them here!
Or contact me via Discord: Ddd#7413

Soft-dependencies (hooks):
Placeholders (PlaceholderAPI Support)
- %anchorsell_playerlevel% (Sum of all levels of all anchors from player)
- %anchorsell_playeranchors% (total player anchors)
- %anchorsell_playermoneyperminute% (money that the player generates in a minute)
- %anchorsell_anchorprice% (Anchor price)
- %anchorsell_top[1...100]% (Anchor TOP 1 to 100) (ie. %anchorsell_top1%)
- %anchorsell_top[1...100]-points% (Anchor TOP 1...100 points) (ie. %anchorsell_top1-points%) (Sum of all levels of all anchors from player)

- Player (anchorsell.player.*)
- /anchor buy (anchorsell.player.buy)
- /anchor list (anchorsell.player.list)
- /anchor top (anchorsell.player.top)
- Admin (anchorsell.admin.*)
- /anchor give [player] [quantity] [level] (anchorsell.admin.give)
- /anchor upgrades (anchorsell.admin.upgrades)
- /anchor list [playername] (anchorsell.admin.list)
- /anchor changeUpgradeMultiplier [multiplier] (anchorsell.admin.changeUpgradeMultiplier)
- /anchor changeSafeZone [safeZone] (anchorsell.admin.changeSafeZone)
- /anchor getUserFileName [username] (anchorsell.admin.getUserFileName)
- /anchor revalidate [username] (anchorsell.admin.revalidate)
- /anchor createHologramTop (anchorsell.admin.createholo)
- /anchor particles [all/low/off] (anchorsell.admin.particles)
- Access others anchors (anchorsell.admin.anchoradmin)

Servers that use this plugin:
- Nightmare Phoenix: nightmarephoenix.vsmc.co

- Particles

- Placing an anchor

- Breaking an anchor

- Blowing an anchor

- Blowing underwater

- Anchor menu

- Anchor top

- Anchor Admin

version: 0.3.2
# AnchorSell plugin
# Authors: DadoGamer13, MatiasME
# Description: Minecraft plugin to get money using a Respawn anchor.
# GitHub: https://github.com/FranciscoDadone/AnchorSell.git
# Discord: Ddd#7413
reload-message: "&aConfig reloaded."
- "&7&m----------&r &5&lAnchor &7&m----------"
- "&e/anchor buy &fTo buy an anchor"
- "&e/anchor list &fGives a list of the placed anchors in the world"
- "&e/anchor top [number] &fReturns the top."
- ""
- "&e/anchor authors"
- "&7&m----------------------------"
- "&7&m----------&r &5&lAnchor &7&m----------"
- "&e/anchor reload &f Reloads the config file."
- "&e/anchor give [name] [quantity] [level] &fGives an anchor to a player."
- "&e/anchor list [username] &fGives a list of the placed anchors in the world."
- "&e/anchor top [number] &fReturns the top."
- "&e/anchor upgrades &fShows the cost in money of the anchor progression."
- "&e/anchor changeUpgradeMultiplier [multiplier] &fChanges the upgrade multiplier. This affects the price of the anchor upgrade."
- "&e/anchor changePrice [price] &fChanges the anchor price."
- "&e/anchor changeSafeZone [zone] &fChanges the minimum radius to place an anchor."
- "&e/anchor changeTotalAnchorsUserCanHave [number] &fChanges the total anchors one user can have."
- "&e/anchor getUserFileName [username] &fShows the archive where the user information is stored."
- "&e/anchor revalidate [username] &fRevalidates the anchors of that player."
- "&e/anchor particles [all/low/off] &fChanges the particles on all anchors."
- "&e/anchor version &fPlugin version"
- ""
- "&e/anchor authors"
- "&7&m----------------------------"
unknown-command: "&5&lAnchor &7- &fUnknown command."
no-permissions: "&cYou don't have permission. (%permissionNode%)"
cant-give-anchor-message: "&fUse: &e/anchor give [name] [quantity] [level]"
total-anchors-user-can-have: 10
# Minimum distance to place an anchor next to another.
safe-anchor-area: 3
# If true anchors will pay if their chunk is loaded.
pay-if-chunk-is-loaded: false
# If false anchors will not pay afk players.
pay-afk-players: true
# If true, players can break others players anchors.
break-others: true
break-others-message: "&cYou cannot break %player%&c's anchor!"
anchor-value: 100000
radius-error: "&4You can't place anchors too close to each other."
cannot-place-more-anchors: "&4You can not have more than %quantity% anchors."
you-dont-own-this-anchor: "&4You don't own this anchor"
- world
- world1
world-not-enabled-error: "&cSorry, anchors can't be placed in this world :("
# Time period in which anchors will pay to players.
pay-timer-in-minutes: 15
title: "&5Anchor - level %level%"
txt: "&6&lThis anchor"
- "&eLevel: &f%level% (%oreLevel%&f)"
- "&eMoney per 15 minutes: &f$%moneyPer15Minutes%"
- "&eMoney per minute: &f$%moneyPerMinute%"
- "&eBalance: &f$%playerBalance%"
- "&eNumber of anchors:&f %playerAnchors% / %maxPlayerAnchors%"
- "&eTotal money per 15 minutes: &f$%playerMoneyPer15Minutes%"
- "&eNext Anchor pay: &f%timer%m"
txt: "&6&lUpgrades"
- "&eFrom:&f %level% (%oreLevel%&f)"
- "&eTo: &f%nextLevel% (%nextLevelOre%&f)"
- "&ePrice: &f$%priceOfUpgrade%"
title: "&5Anchor Sell - Upgrades"
txt: "%currentLevel%"
- "&7&m----------------------------"
- "&ePrice: &r$%priceOfUpgrade%"
- "&7&m----------------------------"
txt: "&6&lUpgrade"
lore: "Upgrade current anchor"
back: "&cGo back"
- "&7&m----------&r &5&lAnchor &7&m----------"
- "&aSuccessfully upgraded the anchor"
- "%previusLevel% -> %currentLevel%"
- "&7&m----------------------------"
- "&7&m----------&r &5&lAnchor &7&m----------"
- "&cYou don't have money to upgrade :("
- "&7&m----------------------------"
# Explosion radius break: if an explosion occurs near an anchor, it will break it in that radius
# to disable it set to "0", to set as default minecraft, change to "mc-default"
explosion-radius-break: "3"
# Upgrade multiplier: is how much the upgrade will cost depending on the money that the anchor
# gives per hour in the next level.
# Example: "upgrade-multiplier: 8".
# Next level reward per hour: 10.
# The cost of the upgrade will be 80.
upgrade-multiplier: 6
# Pay modifier: this modifies how much money the anchor will give to a player when it pays.
# The formula to pay a player is:
# f(anchorLevel, pay-modifier) = (0.1 * anchorLevel + anchorLevel^0.8) * 60 * pay-modifier
# Excel sheet to see the levels and the money that it gives:
# https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_bIag4v8MySS50nN3C6WwwLDBdjPWN3zo-AoybdyNVc/edit?usp=sharing
# In the Excel you can modify the "Pay modifier" and "Pay timer" cells only and view the results.
# Note: pay-modifier accepts decimals too. ie: 0.2
pay-modifier: 1
first-message: "&7&m----------&r &5&lAnchors &7&m----------"
last-message: "&7&m-----------------------------"
- ""
- "&eLocation:&f %location%"
- "&eLevel: %level%"
- ""
cantaccess: "&4You need direct contact with the anchor to use it."
title: "&5Buy Anchor Sell"
txt: "What is an Anchor Sell?"
- "&eAn Anchor Sell is a block with which"
- "&eyou can earn money automatically, from"
- "&etime to time, by placing it."
title: "&5&lBuy an anchor"
lore: "&ePrice: &f$%price%"
title: "&5Are you sure you want to buy?"
you-have-an-anchor: "&5You have purchased an anchor."
you-cant-afford: "&5You can't afford this."
cancel: "&4&lCancel"
confirm: "&a&lConfirm"
- "&7&m----------&r &5&lAnchor &7&m----------"
- "&aNew anchor placed"
- ""
- "&eLevel: &f%level%"
- "&7&m----------------------------"
- "&7&m----------&r &5&lAnchor &7&m----------"
- "&cAnchor removed"
- ""
- "&eLevel: &f%level%"
- "&7&m----------------------------"
paying-message: "&aYou have received &c$%amount% &afrom &5&lAnchors"
1: "&8Coal"
2: "&7Iron"
3: "&eGold"
4: "&bDiamond"
5: "&6&lNETHERITE"
maxed-out-level: "&c&lMaxed out!"
# Particles that anchors generate.
# Options: [ all / low / off ]
particles: "all"
version: 0.3.2
# AnchorSell plugin
# Authors: DadoGamer13, MatiasME
# Description: Minecraft plugin to get money using a Respawn anchor.
# GitHub: https://github.com/FranciscoDadone/AnchorSell.git
# Discord: Ddd#7413
reload-message: "&aSe ha recargado la configuración exitosamente."
- "&7&m----------&r &5&lAnchor &7&m----------"
- "&e/anchor buy &fPara comprar un anchor."
- "&e/anchor list &fDa un listado de todos los anchors en su poder."
- "&e/anchor top [número] &fTop anchors en el servidor."
- ""
- "&e/anchor authors"
- "&7&m----------------------------"
- "&7&m----------&r &5&lAnchor &7&m----------"
- "&e/anchor reload &f Recarga la configuración."
- "&e/anchor give [nombre] [cantidad] [nivel] &fDa un anchor al jugador."
- "&e/anchor list [nombre] &fDa un listado de todos los anchor en su poder."
- "&e/anchor top [número] &fTop anchors en el servidor."
- "&e/anchor upgrades &fMuestra el coste para mejorar un anchor."
- "&e/anchor changeUpgradeMultiplier [multiplicador] &fCambia el multiplicador de mejora, esto afecta al precio de mejora."
- "&e/anchor changePrice [precio] &fCambia el precio de compra del anchor."
- "&e/anchor changeSafeZone [zona] &fCambia el radio mínimo donde se pueden poner anchors."
- "&e/anchor changeTotalAnchorsUserCanHave [número] &fCambia el total de anchors que un usuario puede tener."
- "&e/anchor getUserFileName [nombre] &fMuestra donde esta la información del usuario."
- "&e/anchor revalidate [nombre] &fRevalidación de los anchors de un jugador."
- "&e/anchor particles [all/low/off] &fCambia las partículas de todos los anchors."
- ""
- "&e/anchor authors"
- "&7&m----------------------------"
unknown-command: "&5&lAnchor &7- &fComando desconocido."
no-permissions: "&cNo tienes permisos para hacer esto. (%permissionNode%)"
cant-give-anchor-message: "&fUtilice: &e/anchor give [nombre] [cantidad] [nivel]"
total-anchors-user-can-have: 10
# Distancia mínima para poner un anchor al lado de otro.
safe-anchor-area: 3
# Si es true los anchors van a dar dinero si el chunk está cargado.
pay-if-chunk-is-loaded: false
# Si es false los anchors no van a pagar a los jugadores afk.
pay-afk-players: true
# Si es true, los jugadores pueden romper anchors ajenos.
break-others: true
break-others-message: "&cNo puedes romper el anchor de %player%&c!"
anchor-value: 100000
radius-error: "&4No puedes colocar anchors tan cerca de otros."
cannot-place-more-anchors: "&4No puedes tener mas de %quantity% anchors."
you-dont-own-this-anchor: "&4No eres el dueño de este anchor"
- world
- world1
world-not-enabled-error: "&cLo siento, los anchors no se pueden poner en este mundo :("
# Periodo de tiempo en el cual se les va a pagar a los jugadores.
pay-timer-in-minutes: 15
title: "&5Anchor - nivel %level%"
txt: "&6&lEste anchor"
- "&eNivel: &f%level% (%oreLevel%&f)"
- "&eDinero cada 15 minutos: &f$%moneyPer15Minutes%"
- "&eDinero por minuto: &f$%moneyPerMinute%"
- "&eDinero disponible:&f %playerBalance%"
- "&eNumero total de anchors:&f %playerAnchors% / %maxPlayerAnchors%"
- "&eDinero total obtenido cada 15 minutos: &f%playerMoneyPer15Minutes%"
- "&eSiguiente pago: &f%timer%m"
txt: "&6&lMejoras"
- "&eNivel actual:&f %level% (%oreLevel%&f)"
- "&eSiguiente mejora: &f%nextLevel% (%nextLevelOre%&f)"
- "&ePrecio: &f$%priceOfUpgrade%"
title: "&5Anchor - Mejoras"
txt: "%currentLevel%"
- "&7&m----------------------------"
- "&ePrecio: &r$%priceOfUpgrade%"
- "&7&m----------------------------"
txt: "&6&lMejora"
lore: "Mejorar el anchor"
back: "&cVolver"
- "&7&m----------&r &5&lAnchor &7&m----------"
- "&aAnchor mejorado con exito"
- "%previusLevel% -> %currentLevel%"
- "&7&m----------------------------"
- "&7&m----------&r &5&lAnchor &7&m----------"
- "&cNo tienes suficiente dinero :("
- "&7&m----------------------------"
# Explosion radius break: si ocurre una explosión cerca de un anchor, este se va a romper en ese radio.
# Para deshabilitarlo, cambiarlo a "0", para ponerlo como minecraft por defecto: "mc-default"
explosion-radius-break: "3"
# Upgrade multiplier: es cuento la upgrade va a costar según el dinero que genera el anchor
# por hora en el siguiente nivel.
# Ejemplo: "upgrade-multiplier: 8".
# Dinero por hora en el siguiente nivel: $10.
# La upgrade va a salir $80.
upgrade-multiplier: 6
# Pay modifier: esto modifica cuanto dinero va a dar el anchor cuando pague.
# La fórmula utilizada para el pago es:
# f(anchorLevel, pay-modifier) = (0.1 * anchorLevel + anchorLevel^0.8) * 60 * pay-modifier
# Tabla de Excel para ver cuanto paga un anchor por nivel y según el modificador:
# https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_bIag4v8MySS50nN3C6WwwLDBdjPWN3zo-AoybdyNVc/edit?usp=sharing
# En el Excel las celdas "Pay modifier" y "Pay timer" se pueden modificar para ver los cambios.
# Nota: pay-modifier acepta decimales. ej: 0.2
pay-modifier: 1
first-message: "&7&m----------&r &5&lAnchors &7&m----------"
last-message: "&7&m-----------------------------"
- ""
- "&eLocalización:&f %location%"
- "&eNivel: %level%"
- ""
cantaccess: "&4Necesitas contacto directo con el anchor para acceder a él."
title: "&5Comprar un anchor"
txt: "¿Qué es un anchor?"
- "&eUn anchor es un bloque del cual"
- "&epuedes obtener dinero, cada cierto"
- "&etiempo solo colocándolo."
title: "&5&lComprar un anchor"
lore: "&ePrecio: &f$%price%"
title: "&5¿Está seguro que quiere comprar un anchor?"
you-have-an-anchor: "&5Anchor comprado exitosamente."
you-cant-afford: "&5No tienes suficiente dinero."
cancel: "&4&lCancelar"
confirm: "&a&lConfirmar"
- "&7&m----------&r &5&lAnchor &7&m----------"
- "&aNuevo anchor colocado"
- ""
- "&eNivel: &f%level%"
- "&7&m----------------------------"
- "&7&m----------&r &5&lAnchor &7&m----------"
- "&cAnchor removido"
- ""
- "&eNivel: &f%level%"
- "&7&m----------------------------"
paying-message: "&aHas recibido &c$%amount% &ade &5&&lAnchors"
1: "&8Carbón"
2: "&7Hierro"
3: "&eOro"
4: "&bDiamante"
5: "&6&lNETHERITE"
maxed-out-level: "&c&l¡Nivel máximo!"
# Las opciones de las partículas son: [ all / low / off ]
particles: "all"

- Discord: Ddd#7413